To use the Stamp tool in PinPoint, you must be using Internet Explorer and have the PDF Tools enabled and installed. For more information on enabling the PDF Tools in your profile, please go to the Enabling PDF Tools page in the manual.

Create a New Stamp

  1. Open a Word document and type out your new stamp. Make sure it is in the color/font/format you prefer. No need to worry about placement on the document, standard left alignment is fine. PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to make more than one stamp, each stamp should be its own file. So, if you are adding 5 stamps, there should be 5 separate files.
  2. Save each Word file as a .pdf file.
  3. Go into PinPoint and open a document that you would like to stamp, or alternatively you can add a new document that you’d like to stamp.
  4. Using the toolbar for PDF Viewer (the toolbar above the document), click on Tools > Comment and Markup Tools > Show Stamps Palette.
  5. If this is your first time adding a new stamp, click New. This will prompt you to add a new “collection” to your stamps.
  6. Click “From PDF”, and upload the PDF file you created with your stamp. You will be given the chance to name your new stamp.
  7. Close out of the Stamps Palette window, and your new stamp is ready for use. The stamp will remain in your collection, no need to keep re-adding each time you want to use.

Stamp a Document

  1. To use your new stamp, click Tools > Comment and Markup Tools > Stamp Tool, and select the one you’d like to use.
  2. Stamp the document in the location you wish.
  3. Go to “Comments” in the menu, then “Flatten Comments”. This step MUST take place if you intend to search for the file based on the stamp.