PinPoint Training Classes

Choose the training class you would like to attend below, then click to register. You will then be taken to a registration page where you can select from multiple time slots for each class. Though you can only sign up for one time slot per click, please feel free to register for multiple time slots if you would like to. There is no limit to how many training classes you attend.

PinPoint Weekly Training Classes:

  1. User Training:
    • This training covers the user side of PinPoint, including how to navigate your fileroom, how to search and add documents, and how to use the Fx functions – Register
  2. Admin Training:
    • This training covers the admin side of PinPoint, including how to setup your cabinet structures and doc types, how to set user security, and how to create forms and templates – Register
  3. ARIE Training:
    • This training covers the ARIE automated filing functions in PinPoint – Register
  4. Workflow Training:
    • This training covers how to create and assign workflows in PinPoint  – Register