Author Archives: Rick

Emailing from the DMS side of PinPoint Now you can place contact and account emails to your folders, so the system can automatically email many documents to many different people automatically without having to select who to send to each time. When multiple documents are selected from multiple folders, the system can send each document to the email that has been saved for that folder. PinPoint Bridge – Integration Now with just one click of a button, users…

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Here are the results from the enhancement survey. They are numbered in how they ranked based on your vote, starting with the highest ranked at number 1 The ability to use a customized “indicator word/phrase” instead of BULKMR to indicate a page break when using ARIE Multiple to import files. Simplify the creation and use of retention, including mass selection of a Cabinet or Folder for one retention. Bar code capability. Allow rearrangement of the…

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LSSP is announcing our new and complete, built-in CRM coming in May! A CRM is an app that helps you manage interactions with current and prospective customers. With a built-in CRM, you can link related messages together and find all messages from a contact with one quick search, while an address book can hold as much information about the contact as needed. This will allow you to string together relationships in their contacts, and to review notes…

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 Tips & Tricks Filter by multiple folder fields from the Folder Details locating screen: Menu>Locating>Folder Details Choose the Cabinet you would like to open, then click Search. Fill in as many folder fields as you need to filter for the specific folder(s) you are looking for. Click Search above once ready to filter.   Administrators can now use the ARIE Folder Load function internally through the Manage Folders screen under the Setup menu (Cloud Only):…

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